
Sleep is essential for your baby’s physical and mental development, but determining if your baby is getting enough sleep can be a challenge. While every baby is different, there are certain signs that indicate your little one may be sleep-deprived. Recognizing these signs early on is crucial to ensuring that your baby gets the rest they need to grow, develop, and stay healthy. In this article, we’ll go over the most common signs that your baby needs more sleep and provide actionable tips to help them sleep better.

If you’re struggling to establish a sleep routine, check out the Baby Sleep Miracle guide for expert advice on improving your baby’s sleep habits.

1. Irritability and Frequent Crying

One of the most obvious signs that your baby isn’t getting enough sleep is irritability. Babies who are overtired often cry more frequently and are harder to soothe. You might notice that even small things—such as changing diapers or feeding—trigger a meltdown. If your baby is fussier than usual and cries excessively, it may be a sign that they’re overtired.

Sleep-deprived babies tend to have shorter fuses, and this irritability can also affect how well they interact with others. If you notice these signs, it’s a good idea to try calming techniques like swaddling or gentle rocking before bedtime to help your baby wind down. For more tips on soothing a fussy baby, see our article on how to calm an irritable baby before bedtime.

2. Rubbing Eyes and Yawning

Babies, like adults, give physical cues when they are tired. Rubbing their eyes, pulling at their ears, or frequently yawning are strong indicators that your baby needs more sleep. These actions are your baby’s way of trying to stay awake despite feeling sleepy. If you notice these behaviors, it’s time to start the bedtime routine or give your baby a nap.

Many parents wait too long to put their baby to bed, resulting in overtiredness. To prevent this, observe your baby’s sleep cues and respond promptly by creating a soothing sleep environment. For more on how to set the stage for bedtime, refer to our guide on creating a sleep-friendly environment.

3. Trouble Staying Asleep

Another sign that your baby needs more sleep is difficulty staying asleep once they’ve been put down. If your baby is waking frequently during the night or struggles to nap for longer than 30 minutes, this could indicate overtiredness. Sleep-deprived babies often have trouble transitioning between sleep cycles, resulting in shorter naps and more nighttime awakenings.

If your baby is having trouble staying asleep, consider adjusting their daytime schedule or implementing calming techniques such as white noise or gentle rocking to help them stay asleep for longer stretches. Learn more in our article on top calming techniques for bedtime.

4. Increased Clinginess

Babies who aren’t getting enough sleep often become clingier and more dependent on their parents. They may want to be held more frequently and have difficulty being separated from you, even for short periods. While separation anxiety is normal, excessive clinginess paired with other signs of sleep deprivation can be an indicator that your baby isn’t well-rested.

To help reduce clinginess, try implementing a consistent bedtime routine that provides your baby with a sense of security and predictability. For more on the benefits of a consistent routine, see our article on the importance of a consistent bedtime routine.

5. Difficulty Focusing During Playtime

Babies who are well-rested are more engaged, curious, and interactive during playtime. If your baby seems uninterested in their toys, has trouble focusing, or becomes frustrated easily while playing, it may be a sign that they are overtired. This lack of focus can lead to less productive play sessions and slow down developmental milestones.

To prevent overtiredness, ensure that your baby is getting the recommended amount of sleep for their age. Adjusting nap times or setting an earlier bedtime can make a significant difference in how well they engage during waking hours.

6. Hyperactivity

It may seem counterintuitive, but overtired babies often display hyperactive behavior. Instead of slowing down when they’re tired, some babies get a second wind and become more active. They may be harder to calm down, resist bedtime, and seem to have boundless energy despite their need for sleep. This is often a sign that your baby has become overtired and is struggling to regulate their emotions.

If your baby becomes hyperactive in the late afternoon or early evening, it’s important to start the bedtime routine earlier to prevent overtiredness from escalating. For guidance on crafting the perfect bedtime routine, check out our article on how to create a bedtime routine that works for your baby.

7. Early Morning Wakings

If your baby is waking up too early and seems fussy or tired throughout the day, they may not be getting enough sleep. Early morning wakings often indicate that your baby went to bed overtired, which can cause them to wake up before they’ve had enough rest.

To address this, try moving your baby’s bedtime earlier to ensure they’re getting the full amount of sleep they need. You can also adjust the sleep environment by using blackout curtains to keep the room dark and white noise to block out early morning sounds that might wake them up.

8. Resistance to Naps

If your baby resists naps or fights sleep during the day, it could be a sign that they aren’t getting enough rest. Babies who are overtired often struggle to nap because they’ve become too stimulated or upset. The longer your baby goes without sleep, the harder it becomes for them to settle down for a nap.

To prevent this, establish a consistent nap schedule and use calming techniques like a soothing pre-nap routine to help your baby wind down. Swaddling, reading a short book, or playing soft music can help ease the transition into nap time.

9. Inconsistent Sleep Patterns

Sleep-deprived babies often have irregular sleep patterns, with no consistent sleep schedule. They may sleep for short periods, wake frequently, or have trouble falling asleep at the same time each day. If your baby’s sleep patterns are erratic, it’s likely that they need more rest and a more structured routine.

To help regulate your baby’s sleep, implement a consistent bedtime and nap schedule. This will help train their body to expect sleep at certain times, making it easier for them to fall and stay asleep. Learn more about creating structure in our article on creating a bedtime routine that works.

10. Lack of Daytime Energy

Well-rested babies are typically alert and full of energy during the day. If your baby seems lethargic or uninterested in their surroundings, it could be a sign that they need more sleep. Sleep is essential for your baby’s growth and cognitive development, and a lack of sleep can lead to reduced energy levels and slower physical and mental development.

If you notice your baby is unusually tired during the day, it’s time to reassess their sleep schedule and make adjustments to ensure they’re getting enough rest.

How to Help Your Baby Get More Sleep

Now that you know the signs that your baby needs more sleep, it’s important to take action. Here are a few tips to help your baby get the rest they need:

  • Establish a Consistent Routine: Create a predictable bedtime and nap routine that helps signal to your baby when it’s time to sleep.
  • Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Make sure the nursery is dark, quiet, and comfortable to promote better sleep. Consider using white noise to drown out distractions.
  • Respond to Sleep Cues: Pay attention to your baby’s sleep cues, like yawning or rubbing their eyes, and put them to bed before they become overtired.
  • Limit Stimulating Activities: Avoid loud, stimulating activities right before bedtime. Instead, focus on calming activities like reading a book or giving your baby a gentle massage.
  • Ensure Proper Sleep Duration: Make sure your baby is getting the recommended amount of sleep for their age. If they’re falling short, consider adjusting their schedule to allow for more rest.


Recognizing the signs that your baby needs more sleep is crucial for their well-being and development. By identifying these signs early and implementing changes to their sleep routine, you can help your baby get the rest they need for a happy and healthy life. If you’re struggling to get your baby to sleep well, the Baby Sleep Miracle guide offers proven solutions to help both you and your baby achieve better sleep.

baby sleep issues